back to article Restructured Ruby-on-Rails hits beta

The beta of the third, and restructured, edition of Ruby on Rails has been delivered. Rails founder David Heinemeier blogged that Ruby on Rails 3.0 "feels lighter, more agile, and easier to understand" in spite of the changes. This update is the result of almost 4,000 commits by more than 250 code authors. Completed code is …


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  1. Nathan Meyer


    Yet Another Programming Language.

    I once made a list of "programming languagesof the future" I've manged to avoid learning over the years. I think there were 15 of them. The list starts with ALGOL and PL1, continues through Pascal and ADA and ends with Python and Ruby.

    Look people, if you're going to keep re-inventing the bloody wheel, at least make it round?

    1. KitD


      .. I don't think that pride in NOT learning a variety languages is necessarily something you want to display.

      I'm not a big fan of RoR myself, but their convention-over-configuration philosophy is starting to influence Java as well, which is only good.

  2. NB


    rails can't scale. Never could, never will.

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