back to article Pressure group demands UK apes China net filter plan

"All computers should be provided with net filtering software loaded - and the default position for such filters should be on." That is the view of Miranda Suit, one of the organisers of Mediamarch - a voluntary group seeking to reduce the harmful effects of the media on our children, families and society. Ms Suit was speaking …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Man more Mary Whitehouse wannabes. What the hell is porn addiction? I'm guessing it's a baseless category created by mary whitehouse wannabes on the flimsiests of evidence to support their deviant interpretation of humanities ability to deal with the life without the influence of a central authority to look after it.

    Listen, if you want a total security nation go live in North Korea - otherwise sod off and shut up.

  2. A B 3

    Use in moderation

    Like everything moderation is usally best, otheerwise it will fall off.

  3. Tony S


    I note that the Mediamarch website is not currently available - perhaps their site is being censored?

    I am not in favour of state interference in our lives - particularly when the people doing the interfering are such a corrupt and amoral group as we have recently found them to be.

    I have no doubt that if they were allowed to make it law that software to block sections of the Internet had to be installed, we would very quickly find that they added other types of sites to the naughty list.

    The only thing that comforts me is that they are so inept, that any software that they introduced would no doubt prove to be useless for the job and we would be easily able to bypass it.

  4. Paul 25

    "a global agreement on what constitutes acceptable content"

    Riiight, so you are going to get the Iranians and Dutch to agree on what is acceptable?

    Can I have some of whatever they are taking, it's obviously strong stuff.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Sadly it doesn't seem to be an area that's received much research and the only studies I can find have been put together to support the censorship faction and none have performed their own research.

    All reitterate the same line (porn makes you anti-woman, damages relationships, makes you more likely to get into s&m, so on and so forth.) Also everyone on the sites has pretty much the same opinion.

  6. Dave Ross

    I would just like to demand

    that people like this shut the hell up!

  7. johnB

    Typical busybody

    "There have been cases..." Typical politician use of unsupported "data" to justify sticking their nose into other peoples business.

    It's a pity these self-appointed busybodies can't get it through their skulls that if someone wants porn, they'll find it. Always could, always will.

    But that doesn't justify interfering with the other 99%+ of the populations PC's.

    And even if the technology could be effectively fitted (unlikely), who would determine what was OK & what was not ? Wacki Jacki's hubby ?

  8. Ian 35

    Look at their `faith'

    mediamarch heartily endorses the Christian aspirations which have been publicly displayed, ever since 1931, at BBC Broadcasting House in London. We recognise that these are in accordance with Philippians 4:8, and the wording used is as follows:

    "This Temple of the Arts and Muses is dedicated to Almighty God by the first Governors of Broadcasting in the year 1931, (Sir John Reith being Director General). It is their prayer that good seed sown may bring forth a good harvest, that all things hostile to peace and purity may be banished from this house and that the people, inclining their ear to whatsoever things are beautiful, and honest and of good report, may tread a path of wisdom and uprightness."

    mediamarch and its supporters are committed to campaigning on behalf of all those who are being harmed as a result of the increasingly explicit violence, sex and bad language in media content. Those affected range from both the victims and the perpetrators of media-fuelled crime, through to couples struggling with dysfunctional relationships, and to young girls who become anorexic in their pursuit of stick-thin 'beauty'.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." (Ephesians 6:12)

  9. Catkins

    Porn Porn Pron


    The internet is really really great


    For porn


    I’ve got a fast connection so i don’t have to wait


    For porn



    There's always some new site,


    For porn!

    I browse all day and night


    For porn!


    It's like i’m surfing at the speed of light


    For porn!

  10. Anonymous Coward

    Oi, Mediamarch...

    ...ODF right O.

    That is all.

  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. Rob Crawford


    What happens if an "addicted" person turns the filter off, or will mediawhatever be the only ones allowed to turn off the filter?

  13. Stef 2

    If she likes Nazi Germany that much

    I didn't have a nanny as a child and don't need one now, thank you.

  14. Jamie Kitson

    Moral Minority

    Son, when you hear "sexually deviant tendencies", reach for your gun.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Well why not indeed.

    It wouldn't bother me as someone who has never bought a PC, just bits. Oh though I did buy a netbook - but that's had so many OS reinstalls any pre-loaded software is long gone.

    Now if you want to supply it pre-installed with copies of Windows or Linux, then I'll be up in arms... :)

    As it is, this will only affect those without the technical know-how to remove/disable the software, and perhaps for other reasons such people could do with an extra safeguard against the darker side of the 'net.

    Paris because I'm sure she has her own regrets about that side of the 'net!

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Hmmm... and foisting your own views on to the rest of a population that couldn't care less if your head was up your arse is another addition ... sadly one that is lost on these pressure groups. Where is the line between freedom to choose and restricting others who hold more liberal views?

    You know ... for all my decades of computing and browsing, I only actually come across porn when I actually hunt for it. Well, with the exception of a well known failed spin off search engine which no one uses anyway and I ask you ... what kind of filter is going to save our children from a search engine?

    The only way to properly filter pornography is to pull the plug on the Internet ... anything else is technologically hopeless.

  17. David Edwards


    Diddnt take them long to start spending that 15m they got tother day.

  18. Julian I-Do-Stuff

    Have a hot load...

    I think this might explain Vesuvius in AD79 then - divine retribution for all those wall paintings/mosaics in Pompeii/Herculaneum, where the the inhabitants were notorious for having been corrupted by the vile pornography they were obviously so addicted to.

    If only the Romans had had a (filtered) internet (Pliny would have been safe on dial-up anyway)

    c..f Lehrer Tom "When correctly viewed, everything is lewd"

  19. lucky13

    boo hiss

    The usual list of complaints associated with articles that promote an organisation's goal rather than sensible debate.

    1. ‘evidence’ is a strong word. More appropriate would be ‘research which suggests’

    2. Does this research establish cause and effect? Do ‘sexual deviants’ look at extreme porn… or does extreme porn create sexual deviants?

    3. Porn addiction brought on by ease of access via the internet… where to start with this one. So is it now all porn or just extreme porn their targeting? How many ‘couples’ are complaining of this? Is it one person or both ‘parties’ that are coming forward? Has one been caught watching porn and gone “um…er… IT’S AN ADDICTION I swear… once a month and on birthdays is fine for me… please just give me an easy life!”?

    So what is bad for me next week? Accessing the periodic table online, because I may be able to work out how to build a bomb?

    The ususal list of complaints assosiated with articles that promote an organisation's goal rather than sensible debate.

  20. Gary Owen

    Not just porn!!

    Their website states they are against 'explicit violence, sex and bad language'. OK, why not hardwire in the BIOS of every new PC to set CBeebies as the default search engine?

    Fuckwank! There - that's the Register done for with this new regime.

  21. SuperTim
    Paris Hilton

    Porn addiction?

    I dont think it would take an addict long to get around the porn filters somehow. I mean, that assumes that they even get their porn from a website, and not from peer-to-peer, which is rich in content of smut (so i have been told by a friend...ahem).

    Paris, because she needs a porn filter to look at her own holiday snaps!

  22. Ally J

    God help us, every one....

    We're already on the slippery slope, but this will just make it steeper. We've already seen what happens when people run butthurt to the IWF over an image on Wikipedia - can you imagine the chaos that will happen if Government Departments get involved in similar censorship exercises?

    And 'porn addiction'? What? The moral lobby groups tend to be very big on sweeping statements, but not so good on cold, hard evidence. There's not yet been a definitive study that proves cause and effect for porn and sex crimes. (Admittedly, that doesn't mean there isn't a link, but the theory isn't yet supported.) Mediamarch are just spouting rubbish in the hope that some people take it at face value.

  23. Adam Foxton

    Sorry, what?

    So now "sexual deviancy" is a risk? As in a dangerous thing that should be limited and mitigated, rather than just a difference, a deviation from the norm? So some people are into kinky shit (literally in some cases)- why's that wrong? Okay, you may not want to take part in it- so don't. Same as you might not like wearing neon pink at a funeral- it's a deviation from the norm, some people probably find it offensive. But it's pretty much harmless and in no way detracts from your ability to mourn or wear black while doing it (except for this time, when you're wearing neon pink).

    And giving someone a release for their pent-up tension is a dangerous thing? An analogy- which would you rather was pointed at your eye- a coiled up spring ready to burst free of its confines in a pretty much unpredictable way, or an unstressed spring?

    The unstressed spring is still dangerous, but it's predictable and controllable, unlike the compressed spring which could fly off in any direction.

    People with porn are less likely to commit sexual offences than those without porn but with similar urges.

    On their third point, I've found that during intimate relationships it's been able to give me a better insight into things to try. And so far it's not let me down!

    And which "rape myth" is this? The one about all intercourse being rape, or the one about every man being born with a genetic imperative to rape?

    Also, the 'net filter is a ridiculous idea as it would be used to block out legitimate discussion and you'd end up getting rid of information on various things- can you imagine if the Vatican got a hold of this? "Nope, Contraceptives are wrong. Ban all mention of them".

    Nope, the best 'net filter there is is that there are so many contradictory views on the Internet that none of them can gain precedence over another without a pretty impressive movement- see Annonymous / Scientology.

    As for the icon, I need glasses if I'm going to see well enough to shave my palms...

  24. Ray0x6
    Dead Vulture

    Waste of air.

    I just went and checked out their website. Their manifesto is unchanged from 2004. Their September 2008 update has been printed on paper, scanned and then uploaded as a PDF. I think that pretty much says everything about their commitment to the Internet.

    People like this really do make me wonder about their motives. I have a hunch they want to shout about something, anything, then pick whatever seems to be the one which will generate the most publicity. Why don't they pick a topic that actually matters, say... nuclear arms, HIV, corporate crime, government restrictions of freedom, overfishing, atmospheric pollution, etc. etc. etc. instead of one that offends their petty moral sensibilities? The cynic in me wants to believe it is because it will generate column inches and get their names in the media. But that would be just TOO ironic.

    Small minded, useless idiot.

  25. Ray0x6


    They're all religious! Well, that explains everything. Back to sleepzzzzzzzzzz

  26. mrweekender
    Paris Hilton


    ...won't "people" just find a way to circumvent the filtering? Lets face it those that really want to look at porn will probably find a way to look at porn, be it on the net or in a magazine, etc, etc. Education is the way forward, not heavy handed, big brother, dictatorial solutions.

    Also how could the government ever back this policy when members of their own cabinet have been known to indulge.

    Paris, cause she likes to I've heard.

  27. Ken Hagan Gold badge

    Great timing...

    ...since the flaw in China's solution has today been demonstrated. (

  28. Ben Klumaster
    Thumb Down


    "His preferred solution is for a global agreement on what constitutes acceptable content". Wow, I'm glad someone finally came up with a practical idea. And to think, the solution was so simple all along!

  29. Tony Paulazzo


    you take away the freedom of choice, you've taken away freedom, no if or but. The crazy thing about democracy is that, finally, we have a chance at the real thing. With 70% of the population now online, any new law or decision should be voted upon by the populace. You get two weeks to vote online, majority wins.

    What is 'the myth of rape'? To my mind, rape is about the subjugation of another human being - how can that ever be right (unless of course it's over territory or oil)?

    Any 'pressure group' who thinks China has the right idea about anything should be immediately dissolved and outlawed. China is an affront to any rightminded (ie, one who agrees with me) individual.

  30. Gary M.

    WTF Churchlady!

    Yet another supposed do-gooder telling people how to live their lives and raise their kids. If parents do not wish to have their children exposed to pr0n, violence and poor examples of humanity; turn off the TV/computer/radio and read the Bible.

    OH! Nevermind, the Bible has all that too... Plus incest, betrayl, deceipt, murder, theft, etc. And these were the "good" guys.

    Mine's the one with the flameproof liner and bottle of ice-water in the pocket.

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh, woe!

    People are realising that they don't need to risk making unwanted children with all the socioeconomic evils that come along with them and do-gooders want to stop them realising this and perpetuate the high abortion high juvenile crime status quo.

    Porn is not evil. Risking unwanted pregnancy is. Live with it.

  32. Ken Hagan Gold badge

    Re: Great timing...

    Further to my previous post, I would of course have provided THIS link

    ...if I'd found it before posting. Apologies for any implication that the BBC beat El Reg to this story.

  33. The Original Ash

    We are sexual beings

    Let us be sexual.

    If one half puts the stop on such things, expect folk to go elsewhere! Ease of access does not equate to breakdown in relationships; A lack of understanding, communication, and compromise on difficult issues is what causes relationship issues.

    By the way, much like China and Australia, filters can and *will* be bypassed by *basic* changes to a computer.

    Unless you want to

    - Buy the computer I want

    - Pay for all the software I want to use on that computer

    - Ensure my privacy is respected on that computer (monitor for infraction only)

    - Pay for my connectivity for that computer

    you can screw yourself, pressure group.

    As long as it's my home, containing my computer, paid for by my money, using an internet connection I'm paying for, you can bet I'll be against this plan 100%.

  34. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    Nothing stopping them

    Give a major PC distributor enough cash and they will install whatever crapware you supply on all new computers. If Mediamarch want this, then they can commission the software themselves and pay to have it installed.

  35. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    A "voluntary group"?

    ..more like a religious lobby group. Pass the pr0n.

  36. Kwac

    bring on the penguins

    Unless you want to run the Chinese filter under WINE, of course.

  37. adnim

    I must be a sexual deviant

    "At Mediamarch, we are hearing from a growing number of couples whose entire relationship is being put under enormous pressure through what can only be described as an addiction by one partner to internet porn."

    Well I don't expect any couples to contact Mediamarch expressing how much pornography has enhanced their sex lives.

    "Porn addiction is a serious issue, which neither government nor computer suppliers are currently taking seriously enough," she said."

    Of course it is, and I would be seriously aggrieved if some entity tried to interfere with my access to it.

    "exposure to pornographic material puts one at an increased risk for developing sexually deviant tendencies, committing sexual offences, experiencing difficulties in one's intimate relationships, and accepting the rape myth".

    Absolutely, without my daily quota of rape, sexual assault and child molestation I think I would go insane. And who determines what is sexually deviant? It is likely that some people view anything other than engaging in the missionary position for reproductive purposes only as sexually deviant.

    Who the fuck do these people think they are. I'm all for restricting the access of children to examples of extreme pornography, but this is a job for parents. However, I do object to having some narrow minded puritanical determine what myself and my partner expose ourselves to in the privacy of our own home.

    Meanwhile children will continue to watch and possibly be influenced by the ultra violence found in TV shows, films and other media.

  38. Mike 85 Bronze badge


    i think it's obvious, ask them if censorship is such a good idea and they fully believe that any websites that a few people don't like should be taken offline, will they be happy to censor their own websites? there are plenty of people who dislike them...

  39. Andy 17

    Miranda Suit..

    ..Kindly Piss Off

  40. Emo


    Use it if your having problems with kids looking at pr0n.

    Otherwise fuck off and leave the rest of the adult population to it.


  41. T L

    Nah... Bollocks!

    "All computers should be provided with net filtering software loaded - and the default position for such filters should be on." That is the view of Miranda Suit, one of the organisers of Mediamarch - a voluntary group seeking to reduce the harmful effects of the media on our children, families and society.

    Or... Parents could actually take responsibilities for their off-spring, and people like you lot could f**k off!!!

  42. Anonymous Coward


    Don't let it happen! I cant go back to getting my porn from under hedges. Thanks to the internet the supply is diminishing, and now that im an adult technically i should be leaving it for the teenagers.

    I much prefer DVD style live streaming of nubile naughtiness to a damp copy of Readers Wives.

    This is intolerable!

  43. Anonymous Coward


    "Porn addiction is a serious issue"

    Can I get disability benefits? I think I've got a chronic case!

  44. ratfox
    Thumb Down

    Increased risk for developing sexually deviant tendencies

    I wonder what they mean EXACTLY by this. As far as I know, there is no law in UK restricting people to have straight, plain vanilla sex in the missionary position (though there is such a law in Florida)

    What is their criteria to call a sexual preference "deviant"? Anything they would not do?

  45. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    book burning

    .. so Ms Suit, when's the next book burning and how can i get invited.

    Its worth noting that the Romans got the hump with St Peter as he as pushing celebacy as part of religion... then when roman wives decided to no longer 'put out', their husbands rightly realised that it could end the empire..

    One day people will realise that sex is an integral part of life, this victorian attitude is denying your own humanity.

  46. Adam West

    Clearly unaware

    The internet is for porn.

  47. John 23
    Paris Hilton

    If MP's..

    ...are expected to sign up ban net porn, where will they get their porn from, given it's frowned upon to claim for it on expenses?

    Paris... because she knows a bit about net porn.

  48. Tawakalna

    I say let her have her way

    the mad woman said:-

    "All computers should be provided with net filtering software loaded - and the default position for such filters should be on."

    fine. let her have that, so that when mam and dad buy their new Vista pc at PC World in the sales, little Johnny won't see none of that nasty pron stuff.

    meanwhile the rest of us will of course build our own or nuke the o/s and put a new one on. Let her have her way if it makes her feel better, what practical difference will it make to any self-respecting Reg reader?

  49. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    _One_ Partner?

    "At Mediamarch, we are hearing from a growing number of couples whose entire relationship is being put under enormous pressure through what can only be described as an addiction by one partner to internet porn."

    Sigh. Those relationships were already under pressure of their own if either party felt they couldn't share watching porn with the other.. Before any porn got watched.

    Unlike these poor guys that are stuck with a prude I don't have to launch myself across the room crying "I'll just get that ready for you!", whenever my wife declares she's going online.

    Paris because... Well.. That's what we watched TOGETHER the other day.

  50. Anonymous Coward

    yes, erect more barriers

    To keep numpties like this off the telly, radio, interweb, and streets.


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