back to article Sun stuffs bigger kit in Backbox

Sun's containerised Blackbox data centres can now have larger data centre servers and storage installed at the expense of losing one standard rack. A Blackbox shipping container in its S20 format has a row of four standard 19-inch racks, 78.1cm deep and aligned sideways along each side of the container. In the new D20 format …


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  1. Matt Bryant Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Slow news day?

    What's next for the Sun Advertising Section? How about, instead of just parroting a Sun press release, an article on take up of "containerised IT", whom are the market leaders on revenue and why and what the users say counts for them, rather than a rather boring anouncement about Sun taking four small racks out of a container to put three larger ones in. Hardly Earth-shaking news!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Horns

    Second Job


    How much is IBM paying you to constantly bash Sun? Sure, this article doesn't say much, but that's not exclusive to Sun.

    Really, I want to know so I can earn some extra income.

    Bill because he has all the money he needs.

  3. EnigmaForce

    re: Second Job

    Never mind Matt dude, he's a troll. He once claimed to offer hardcore technical insight along with this posts and blah blah, but I'll say it again; he's about as trollish as Webster Phreaky. Just less entertaining :-)

    Oh, and nice news about Blackbox BTW, thank you Reg.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Sun is DOA and a $1 and change stock


    Keep up with the blogs. Matt is an HP fanboy. Anyone that compares Sun's offering which has been a dismal failure to HP and IBM offerings will conclude that Sun cannot afford to improve their prototype. One of the few customers they have (a Russian Telco) is dumping them for someone else.

  5. Lou
    Paris Hilton


    Matt - are you an IBM marketing droid? Or didn't Sun want to employ you in the recent past? You're Sun attacks are becoming boring - maybe you can do some work for a change and tell us who the leader in the (yawn) "containerised IT" market is.

    @Anonymous Coward - are you Matt in drag?

    Paris because she is al about marketing.

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