back to article Veggies a 'perversion of nature': Official

We know how you lot like your scientific analysis: adequately researched, well-balanced and backed with solid evidence. You'll doubtless enjoy this piece down at Pravda, then, which confirms what the nutritionally-savvy among us have known all along: that vegetarianism isn't actually an informed lifestyle choice, but rather a …


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  1. Anonymous Coward

    Put simply...

    ...if we shouldn't eat animals, why are they made out of meat...?!

  2. Anonymous Coward

    A few Thousand years of evolution can't be wrong!

    Next time you brush your teeth, look in the bathroom mirror at them. Then recall your school biology lessons and what they said your teeth did; we have the teeth of an omnivore.

    So the answer is simple: Eat anything and everything!

    But each to their own, what the veggies leave means more for the rest of us!

  3. Mike Smith

    Careless talk, comrade.

    Comrade, "Pravda" means, "truth". Therefore, it must be true. How can it possibly be otherwise? You are wishing a holiday in Siberia, perhaps? Do not be so foolish.

    Da, the overalls with the red star on them please.

  4. gautam

    Pravda - Russian?

    How does it explain Russian fertility and population downfall? Maybe theyve all turned veggies since there was no meat available during the 90's upheavals?

  5. Ash
    IT Angle

    Shock horror probe!

    Omnivorous animals require food from both animals and plants to survive healthily!

    Water wet, sky up, fire hot, Microsoft sucks.

    There, ladies and gentlemen, is your IT angle.

  6. Cameron Colley

    This is a joke, surely?

    Please tell me this is some kind of satirical piece and that there aren't really people that stupid in the world?

  7. Graham Dawson Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    So wait...

    ... you just wasted an entire article on something written by PRAVDA? I mean, really, who takes that rag seriously? The only time anyone ever believed what pravda published was back in the days of th soviet union, and even then it was only the loons who thought the USSR was some sort of paradise.

    Is Paris a vegetarian or a vegetable?

  8. Jeroen Braamhaar
    Paris Hilton

    Veggies are hypocrites

    They won't eat animals, yet they'll happily wear leather shoes and belts - preferably while protesting against fur ....

    If they really want to be veggies, they ought to have multiple rows of teeth, a gut that would make the average beerdrinker wonder how many KEGS it'd cost him to achieve that result and bleat in a pasture.

    Which is a sacrifice too far for their zealous "omg-we-gotta-look-good" lifestyle - and defeats their "veggies are better people because" argument ...

    I for one will be fighting the Church of Vegotology - pass the cattle prod so I can start herding them to their grazing grounds, right over the edge of that cliff over there.

    PH icon because even she has enough common sense to eat meat :-D

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Cameron Colley

    "Please tell me this is some kind of satirical piece and that there aren't really people that stupid in the world?"

    No, I'm sorry, but there really are vegetarians in the world

  10. Jason Togneri

    You are what you eat...

    In which case, vegetarians are vegetables, thus proving the truth of all this.

    That said, if vegetarians eat vegetables, then what do humanitarians eat?

    Coat, door, I know the drill.

  11. Mark
    Paris Hilton

    Re: Veggies are hypocrites

    Nah, as TP pointed out, the REAL hypocracy is they'll throw red paint over fur-clad models but won't throw red paint over leather-clad Hells Angels.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture


    You can move your jaw from side to side.

    This might not seem significant, but it's a trait only shared by mammals who are also herbivores.

    Perhaps interestingly, the same group of mammals tend to be like us - they have sharp teeth at the front, but mostly flat ones at the back.

    Carnivores don't. Have a look in the mouth of your dog or cat, if you don't believe me....

    As to us being omnivores, you could probably argue that way back in history, someone worked out it was easier to keep animals in pens, than it was to hope the weather would allow edible plants to grow.

    So, we're not only herbivores by design, we are lazy ones, too...

  13. Mark

    Perversion of nature

    Sure, I'd undertake some perversions of nature with Alicia.

    All I needs is some hot grits...

  14. Chris Bradshaw

    Veggie ?

    Was there an article attached to the picture ? Sorry, must have missed it.

  15. Anonymous Coward

    That Alicia Silverstone

    She's as fit as a butcher's dog, isn't she?

    I'll get my leather jacket...

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    shame it's not a image board, coz if it were there would now be 500 pictures of hideous people and "I'm a Vegetarian" as the comment.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    When will people learn...

    Not to pigeon-hole everyone, not to tar everyone with the same brush, not to generalise, stereotype, or whatever other cliche you care to use?

    Not all veggies refuse meat on the grounds that we shouldn't eat it (in fact, i think the majority would agree with the evolution argument), but are merely against farming practices.

    And someone needs to point out the difference between veggie and vegan - milk and eggs, are fine for the former, and both contain many (if not all - i'm no Gillian McKeith) of the relevant amino acids veggies need.

    Cue flame (which may cause me to evaporate).

  18. Walter
    Paris Hilton


    What do you mean they'll happily wear leather shoes and belts? I don't wear leather at all. It's not really that hard to find quality shoes and belts that aren't leather, at least in the Syracuse and NYC areas of New York it's not. And if there isn't anything available locally, that's what this Intarweb thing can be used for.

    Paris because she has about as much of a clue.

  19. dervheid
    Thumb Up


    ...Fried Chickens, & a coke!

  20. Anonymous Coward

    @Veggies are hypocrites

    To the batmobile!

  21. Joe Stalin
    Thumb Up

    How To Annoy A Vegiterian

    Just ask them which plant produces Vitamin B12, and can a human live without it?

  22. Steve

    By Lester Haines

    Need I say more... Don't take it so seriously.

  23. Frank Bough

    I Want to Eat Alicia Silverstone

    ...does that mean I can't be a vegetarian?

  24. Joe Stalin
    Thumb Down

    Oops! How to annoy a veggie

    Almost forgot, rabbit require vitamin B12 as well as humans but in order to get it they eat thier own droppings.

  25. Paul


    are the Veggies. Normally you would have had at least a few flaming the comments, or are they all too humourless to read El Reg?


  26. elestial.:.

    No meat since 18 years and feels better :)

    Yeah, this article is total bollocks.... I am sorry to say...

    You should check Wikipedia:

    "A 1999 metastudy[51] compared six major studies from western countries. The study found that the mortality ratio was the lowest in fish eaters (0.82) followed by vegetarians (0.84) and occasional meat eaters (0.84) and which was then followed by regular meat eaters (1.0) and vegan (1.0)"

    Been around Kailash last year, walking 35km up to 5,500 m high and I can tell you, fitness has nothing to do with meat...

    Know yourself, open your heart and your mind will follow....


  27. Ferry Boat

    @Joe Stalin

    Errrr... so how long can you live without vitamin B12? An hour, a day, a week?

    I've met people who have been veggie for years and are still alive.

    I think you may be thinking of vegans. Veggie people would get it via dairy products.

  28. Anonymous Coward

    Wrong group

    "[vegetarians] raise their voice, swing their arms and splutter when arguing. "

    No, that's the French, and they aren't vegetarians, not by a long shot.

    The fur one, with the leather belt, please.

  29. mark jacobs

    Don't let the icon fool you...

    I agree with the sentiment that a lot of veggies are that way because of the lack of decent animal husbandry in the Western world. Natural animal care requires that they may be able to escape at some point in their lives. Those that don't are too stupid to survive, so we eat them! Just imagine if all sorts of animals roamed around the gardens and countryside of the developed world, and you just have to go out and catch your meat!

  30. Stuart Van Onselen


    Do all you "carnivores" agree with everything that Pravda wrote? Because most of you have taken the opportunity to bash vegetarians (again), *not* make any relevant comments.

    The Register article is not about vegetarianism per se, but about the ridiculous, outrageous and totally unsupported claims made by Pravda. That's what the discussion should be about. But it's more fun to pick on people that are different, than it is to stay on topic, eh?

    Me, I'm an omnivore and proud of it. If some self-righteous hippie tells me that I should quit meat, I'll tell him where to get off. But I fully support that hippie's right to eat or not eat whatever the hell he damn well wants!

    Live-and-let-live, people. The world has enough racists, sexists and religion-ists. We don't need food-ists as well!

  31. Bob

    @ By Frank Bough

    You can but only if you don't enoy it :P

  32. Sacha TF Padovani


    Only good one I know is in Northamptonshire.

    Mrs Silverstone was utter cr4p in Batman 3. Possibly because she was confronting Plant-toting Poison Ivy?

    Ah, yes, mine's the coat with carrots dangling out of it.

  33. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ... sometimes an article..

    ....demonstrates the enormous breath of human nature... and this is certainly one of them.

    Stupidity to humour and all the way back to bigotry.. amazing

  34. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    seen on a license plate frame...

    "I love animals - they're delicious !"

  35. EuroBob
    Paris Hilton


    Amusingly, the expert Russian doesn't appear to know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian!

    I am a vegetarian and will actively avoid products made of leather, fur or from anything that comes from an animal, but unfortunately some of the alternatives do a lot of damage to the environment, cotton being a major culprit.

    It's all about the wonder crop known as hemp!

    Is Paris a vegetarian, who eats fish, and meat, like so many of them!

  36. Andrew Cooper

    "reproduction depends on animal protein to a large extend"

    bet the viagra folkes are shitting themselves...

  37. Anthony Hulse


    Apparently we're all too busy boiling over and waving our hands in the air ;-)

    I guess having run all the gays out the country they're looking for a new national sport. No Veggie Pride parade in Moscow this year then....

  38. James

    Ho hum

    been a vegetarian for over 20 years. Didn't realise that I had a low boiling point - thanks to those great purveyors of truth Pravda for pointing it out. Also glad to see that they refute corrupt western medical evidence that Vegetarians are healthier and tend to live longer than non-vegetarians.

    Haven't indulged in arm waving, frothing at the mouth etc., since I caught salmonella from a rotten chicken served at a university function years ago.

    I wonder if the Russian Business Network has moved from Phishing into Animal Farming and now needs to get customers.

    They forgot to mention that we have no sense of humour.

    Well, I'd better go out on my daily 6 km run, in preparation for my 25 km hill walk this weekend, then along to the climbing wall for a two hour work out. Glad Pravda has shown me how unhealthy I am !!

    I just wonder what Russian carnivores do for their daily exercise: I guess it must be swim the Black Sea, run across Asia and climb Everest all in the morning before they start their work at 9.

  39. Jolyon Ralph
    Thumb Up

    Eating Disorders

    Like most eating disorders, Vegetarianism can be cured quite simply.

    Bacon Sarnie

  40. Anthony Hulse

    Oh, and....

    don't even get Pravda STARTED on Mac users ;-)

  41. Louis


    Can a veggie give head and still be called a veggie? And if yes, would they be allowed to swallow (a good source of protein) or be forced to spit?

  42. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just goes to show

    There is no Pravda in Isvestia and no Isvestia in Pravda.

    However, PITA are most definately not a 'hug a whale for Jesus' outfit, they are dangerous nutters who refuse to condemn violence, but have somehow managed to get a silky smooth image from the patronage of people like Alicia Silverstone, who probably knows nothing of their activities in and around the Oxford Animal house or HLS. Don't mix the rest of us Veggies up with them, although thanks for the picture, 'tis appreciated.

  43. Perpetual Cyclist

    Vegetarians come in many flavours...

    I'm your typical UK veggie, milk products, eggs, etc. Yes I wear leather shoes and belt. No I'm not a hypocrite because I don't go round pretending anything else. Most male calves from milking herds are killed at birth.

    Indian veggies by culture don't eat eggs. Vegans don't eat honey either. Many go to the trouble of avoiding leather. There are reasonable substitutes for shoes. Some avoid silk, because of the farming of silk worms. There are extreme sects of the Jain religion which are fruitarian. They will only eat fruit that was 'designed' by evolution to be eaten as a means of seed distribution. They also go around naked except for a face mask and brush the dust in front of their feet in case they squash insects. Not a pretty sight.

    You do not need meat for a healthy diet. You can be vegan and healthy, but you have to work at it. And there is plenty of evidence that vegetarians live longer, although that may be a correlation, not cause and effect. I plan to live to 100, like two of my grandparents.

    I'm veggie for my own reasons, but the world is running short of grain. Poor people are going to start starving again in large numbers soon. One way to reduce grain consumption is to eat it, instead of feeding it to cows that you then eat. There are some types of agricultural land where sheep and goats can be raised more efficiently than arable crops, but I don't like lamb anyway.

  44. Sweep
    Paris Hilton

    @ Tom Oliver

    I don't see the problem with someone being vegetarian, as long as they aren't self-righteous about it, but it is a fact that humans are designed (by natural selection) as omnivores, and in fact the move from eating only plantstuffs, to eating more and more animal protein was one of the main shifts in hominid evolution, and pretty clearly defines the transition from Australopithecine sp. et al. to Homo sp. ie. from an ape that happens to walk on it's hindlegs towards forms that we would understand as being more human.

    This is seen in dentition, a decrease in size of chewing muscles and jaw structure, a decrease in gut size and the shape of the rib cage, and a corresponding increase in brain size. (more energy and nutrient rich foods with the resultant decrease in the need for a large, plant-processing digestive system means more energy available for the decelopment and maintenance of a large and expensive(in energy terms) brain).

    A hunting lifestyle also would have been very important in encouraging what we would see as culture- tool/weapon manufacture, the ability to remember where food sources are, most importantly an increase in cooperation and language for hunting.

    "you could probably argue that way back in history, someone worked out it was easier to keep animals in pens, than it was to hope the weather would allow edible plants to grow." l; without hunting and meat eating in the first place, there would have been no "someone (ie a conscious human being)" to work out farming was easier than foraging.

    It just kind of annoys me when veggies imply that we are designed as herbivores, it's nonsense.

    PH icon as she could eat me anytime.

    (can't be bothered previewing so forgive any typos please)

  45. Anomalous

    Vitamin B12

    comes from the fruits of the marmite tree.

  46. Dai


    @Mr Stalin

    Bacteria (friendly ones or otherwise) produce Vitamin B12. No plants, no animals.

    Are bacteria plants or animals - an interesting question and not once that is going to be answered conclusively on a Register comments page.

  47. Arthur

    @Joe Stalin

    Vegetarians can easily obtain vitamin B12 - dairy products are a good source. Vegans on the other hand generally need to take supplements or fortified food products.

  48. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @Joe Stalin / Hot To Annoy A Vegetarian

    No plants that I'm aware of produce vitamin B12, but there is this thing called Marmite, you may have heard of it? It's 100% vegaterian and full of B group vitamins, B12 included.

    B12 is also found in dairy products, which are vegetarian, not vegan however.

    That was easy, got another?

  49. Chris Bradshaw

    @ Frank Bough

    I suspect that you need to redefine 'vegetarian' for this context. I find that the following is more to my taste (sic) :

    I don't eat any meat that doesn't eat me back.

  50. Anonymous Coward
    Jobs Halo

    You Need a Broccoli Icon, and a Lamb Chop (or Veal Chop) Icon

    This looks set to become a regular El Reg Meme.

    BTW, Steve Jobs is a Vegan. I'll pass on eating him.


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