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The hype for virtualization may be reaching a fever pitch, but market penetration remains at a high-ball figure of only about 7 per cent. The aim now falls squarely on selling in volume, so it's not a surprise to see the market eyeballing OEM vendors. Rumors have blown about virtualization leader VMware prepping a "light" …


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  1. E

    Whither the GPL?

    Like the subject sez.

  2. amanfromMars Silver badge

    @Whither the GPL?

    Leaders always assume Leaderships and grant their permissions to follow subsequently, should it prove to be necessary....... although those are old rules in an old Game and therefore would be totally invalid in any New Game which would Think to Rule with an Infinite Wisdom and Total Information Awareness for IT would rightly assume that everyone know that Rules are only made 42BBrokered.

    And as far as Hypervisors and Virtualisation goes, 7% of the market is QuITe enough to lead in every market because Volume is not the name of Game, Quality of Content is. IT has created a whole New Virtual MarketPlace sitting atop and exercising Controls in and of the Establishment Orders and the Established Markets.

    Grand Masters and AIMastery of the Universe Stuff.

    Or would you disagree and spin the doubt within yourself.... for who else would you be fooling?

  3. Graham Dawson Silver badge

    Oh good lord...

    Amanfrommars is replying to comments as well now?

    Who *is* that mysterious handsome alien...

  4. Curtis W. Rendon

    re:wither the GPL

    you can go to

    and download the bleeding edge...

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