* Posts by RICHTO

853 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2012


Israel taps teens to become 'interceptors' in cyberwarfare


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

You are perfectly able to use Wikipedia - go read it. There is no point in referecing links ot what is a public service.

My posts on this subject are far more rational and factual than yours - i note the various personal attacks you tried - and i ignored - a clear sign of someone who knows that they lost the argument and resorts to name calling. Or maybe just immature?

The survey link is factual evidence of the attitude and treatment of arabs by Israelis - the numbers presented are facts. There might be comments and opinion on them, but that bare facts of the survey are there too.

What other arabs countries might do is not relelevant to the Israeli treatment of it's own citizens.

That arabs can vote doesnt really help when they are are made a minority by racist laws excluding many of them from their own land of birth.

I notice that you dont mention the US government comments Even a country that massively supports Israel even says they discriminate against the arabs!

Israel is a terrorist state building on illegally occupied land. These are unarguable facts. There might be historical reasons for it, but it doesnt make it right.


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

Im sure you are quite capable of using Wikipedia for all the above. I am not wasting vast amounts of my time documenting what is widely available. I leave filling pages with lame sounding crap to you.

In terms of your new claim that arabs are not discriminated against by Israel - There is overwhelming evidence that this is not the case. See http://www.richardsilverstein.com/2012/10/23/survey-of-israeli-racism-58-of-jews-label-their-state-apartheid/

Also couple of direct quotes

"Israel can claim the title of most racist state in the developed world,” Israeli author Sami Michael said at the opening of an international conference of the Association for Israel Studies at an Israeli university

According to the 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Israel and the Occupied Territories, the Israeli government had done "little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens."

The 2005 US Department of State report on Israel wrote: "there were problems in some areas, including... institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country’s Arab citizens"

In December 2010, dozens of Jewish rabbis issued an edict against renting or selling real estate to non-Jews, particularly Arab citizens.


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

You are a very poor appologist for an apatheid and terrorist state; your arguments and references are laughable - I don't need to post any evidence - the general aspects of what happened and continues to happen in Israel are widely known and even more widely documented. There is plenty of balanced commentary for you to go read on the Wikipedia page...


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

You are now contradicting your own previous claim "the self-imposed exile of the Arab Palestinians, brought about by the invasion of Israel by other Arabs"

Getting your lies mixed up?

And nice cherry picking of meaningless opinion pieces. Wikipedia has a good and reasonably balanced (pro Israeli if anything) history of what actually happened. It doesnt match your imagination very closely....


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

The 'Nakba' as the Palestians would call it actually has many correlations with the Holocaust so i think it is a very appropriate and valid comparison Both were based around ethnic cleansing and genocide - by the Nazis on one hand and by the Israelis on the other.

And by the way - most of the Palestinian population expulsions happened before 1948 war with the Arabs had even started - or though there were some notable cases of ethnic cleansing and genocide then too. For instance the attrocities perpetrated by David Ben-Gurian and Yitzhak Rabin, the most well known of which is commonly known as the Lydda Death March.


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

The choice of other arab countries not to accept a problem created by Israel being moved onto their doorstep is nothing to do with the Palestinians. There is also a very good reason not to do this in that it would remove a reason for Israel to have to address a settlement over the stolen land and occupied territories that it still holds.

I do note that Israel seems to have no problem recently importing hundreds of thousands of 'Jewish refugees' from Etiopia, Russia, etc, so im sure it could accomodate any Palestinans that wished to return.


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

It seem you know very little about middle east history - unless you have a very wide ranging definition of 'self-imposed'.

The exile of the native Palestinians was mostly due to activities of (now famous) Jewish terrorists like Menachem, together with Jewish terrorist organisations like Irgun and Lehi and later the Israeli army running a campaign of ongoing ethnic cleaning - backed by (well documented) massacres, rapes, imprisonment, harassment, systematic looting and mortar attacks, followed up by racist laws created to prevent the residents of Palestinian villages ever returning!


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

Whatever claims individual jews might have against other arab countries has nothing whatsoever to do with the Palestinians...


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

(Jews are of course big fans of compensation in these sort of circumstances so should be very familiar with how that could work: http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/germany-to-compensate-jews-who-fled-the-nazis-in-the-soviet-union-1.403562)


Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

That's just crap - most were economic migrants from Europe at the end of the last war. Hell now they are even importing 'Ethiopian Jews' (black)!

The most equitable solution would be a return to within the defined borders of the Israeli part of Palestine as per 1967 of course. Not an ideal solution, and the Israeli state should have to recompense any displaced palestinians for their stolen land / property and / or give them the right of return plus compensation.


Re: Proof by google hit

You are so right; I should have qualified the search in quotes to filter irrelevant results. Here you go:

"israeli religious fanatics" - 58,000 hits.

"palestinian religious fanatics" - 4,000 hits


Israeli religious fanatics = 4 million hits on Google.

Palestinian religious fanatics = 1.2 million hits on Google.



Re: "It was not immediately clear, however...

So they have lived in Palestine a lot longer than the vast majority of Jewish families currently in Israel then....

The 10 best … Windows Server 2012 features


Dont forget that Windows server includes the REFS filesystem too.

Possible a bit new for mission critical, but it's there: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh848060(v=vs.85).aspx


Re: Decent Analysis..

Native Hyper-V is totally and utterly free. There is zero licensing cost to Hyper-V.

And you should not install Windows Server Core and then run Hyper-V as a service (which would be licensable) - because that doesnt support Remote FX whereas native Hyper-V does!


Re: System Center may be nice, but MS has its head up its arse

Then you have a crap distributor. Try Grey Matter.


Re: Your're fracking kidding right?

Well it outperforms any storage system you could do on Linux or UNIX. 16Gbps storage throughput from a single file server node for instance - or 1 million IOPs from a single VM.....


Re: PowerShell .. MEH!

Powershell might have some shotcomings, but it is still more powerful and flexible than any Linux / Unix shell...

New tool jailbreaks Microsoft Surface slabs in 20 SECONDS


Re: maybe

The keyboards are both really good actually. Clearly you havnt used one to be saying that...


Re: The other shoe dropping...

But if you change the OS, it won't boot, and will ask you to run recovery. Nothing here allows malware to get around that...

Inside the new climate row as Mystic Met Office goes cool on warming


Re: Completely lost

Basically it just says the future rate of temperature rise might be slightly slower than the last prediction. The new rise predicted is still potentially catastrophic over the long term - it is not in anyway saying global warming isnt happening. Rainfall would be expected to rise in some areas as a warmer atmosphere can hold more water.

It is not saying that global warming stopped over ther last 20 years - only that the rate of increase has slowed - which is not exceptional for such a short period. The long term graph still clearly shows tha the trend is steadily upwards....

Review: HTC 8X Windows Phone 8 handset


Re: Meh

Because this has a nicer, faster, more stable OS.


Re: Market share drop not surprising

Because WP is designed to use Xbox Music Pass, Deezer, Pandora, Nokia Music, TuneIn Radio, Skydrive Music Locker, etc and stream your music...


He clearly hasnt read the news either:


Review: Dell XPS 12 Windows 8 tablet-cum-Ultrabook


Re: The lack of Ethernet is a killer

"But I have an RSI-like keyboard disability"

Long term Linux user then?

Windows RT jailbreak smash: Run ANY app on Surface slabs


Re: First non-signed program to run?

You cant flash the BIOS unless its signed....chicken and egg...


The US DoD just spent over $600 million on Windows 8!

'Holey code, Batman!' Microsoft to patch 12 vulns on Tuesday


Re: Microsoft Fixes

What complete crap. I dont think you have a clue what you are talking about.

Windows has a far better, more integrated and more modular security architecture than Linux.

Windows has exactly the same minimum privilege model - except that things like SEL and AppArmor are integral to the OS and not bolt on after thoughts (plus they are much more capable too - have you looked at AppArmor and SEL in detail? - its total suck. You can get round all AppArmor restictions simply by creating a hard link to a file, and SEL can't control access to files mounted via NFS)

Ditto windows has signed applications and updates (ever heard of Windows Update?)

Compatibility between kernel versions? I mean you are just so clueless it's unreal. There are countless issues migrating between major kernel releases. Plus no major Linux enterprise distributions support in place upgrades for major releases like with Windows - you have to do a clean install.

No recent Windows vulnerabilites have been anything to do with support for legacy apps.

Windows RT runs the exact same kernel as Windows 8 - it is just recompiled for the Arm CPU!

UEFI and trusted computing 'doesnt make the system more secure?' Moron. I suggest you look up what trusted computing means, and read about how Windows uses Secure Boot with UEFI. There has to date been no virus or boot loader that can bypass Windows security on a UEFI firmware with the default setting of

Secure Boot turned on.

Anti-virus products are rubbish, says Imperva


Re: peanuts and monkeys

Micorosft have a neat solution for this type of school environment. You can have have 1 PC in the classroom shared by the pupils on thin clients. See http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/Europe/2012/WSV202

Good for training rooms, etc. too.


Re: The reality is all too real

Im not clear how that is FUD - the first link will root unpatched IOS based systems - which is based on BSD UNIX - and and the second will root unpatched Android systems - which is based on Linux.


Re: ...spend “is not proportional to its effectiveness”

Open BSD is a reasonable answer - it has a relatively low vulnerabiitiy count

Linux isnt - it is much worse for vulnerabiities than Windows - and is a hackers dream on the internet...


Re: Blame staff for infections more than poor value AV software

In an enterprise, you need more than just 'Free AV' - you need to be sure that your devices have up to date AV software and definiation - and you need to be able to report on exceptions. You also need central control of AV policies and exceptions. If there is a free product that does this well, then I havnt found it yet.

Also many vendor enterprise AV solutions are part of a suite that includes full endpoint control (e.g. access control to CDs, USB, etc, and control of encryption on portable media, configurable IPS and firewall, etc, etc.)


Re: ...spend “is not proportional to its effectiveness”

What do you call a 'Secure OS'? For instance most Linux distributions have loads more vulnerabiities than Windows does, as does OS-X.


Re: The reality is all too real

Web site to root a UNIX based system just by visiting a URL - here you go:


Here is another:


Drobo B1200i: The heavy-duty array even your mum could use


Re: Like a snake needs shoes

The most obvious 'some other motivation' being Windows 90%+ desktop market share....

Israel plots gigabit fibre-to-home rollout


Re: Aid to Israel.

Last time i checked, Europe was a whole continent, not a country....As stated israel is the largest receiver of foreign subsidies compared to other countries in terms of $ value.


Re: Two thirds of the country ?

Amnesty international are certainly a more reliable and respected organisation than the Israeli government. Most of the Israeli leaders have been self confessed terrrorists.

I am not clear how you think what an organisation like Hamas does, justifies terrorist actions against a whole population by a state? (Although to be fair, Hamas doesnt have any long range weapons that can be used with much degree of discrimination as to what the actual target will be.)




In fact Israel is the biggest recipient of foreign aid in the world:


Many of said dictators / undemocratic governements of course are / were heavily supported by US funding leveraged by the Pro Isreali lobby in that country...


Re: Two thirds of the country ?

I refer to Israel being defined as a terrorist state in at least 2 Amnesty International Annual reports - and who I view as a relatively impartial organisation.

As to the reality, since when is using white phosphorous on civilians, deliberately shooting to kill at children, and shelling families and children on beaches "self protection"?


Re: Two thirds of the country ?

Don't forget that said Missile and Artillary testing range is now recognised as a country by the UN....

Ubuntu for smartphones aims to replace today's mobes, laptops


Re: Great idea!

"the company says should make it immediately familiar to anyone who has used Ubuntu before." - im sure the 2 of them will be very pleased.

Anyway, someone already beat them to getting a full desktop OS onto a phone and released Windows RT on a mobile.

Yet more Linux fragmentation in the market place - this is likely to be a failure.

Osborne stumps up £20m of your cash for wiggly wonder stuff graphene


From the Post Office. They are called 'Premium Bonds'


Re: A winrar is you!

I hope they patented it before Apple submit one for 'no corners' ...

Tibetan monks lose their TVs as China's censors raid monasteries


Re: Please...

Should we also change Strontium to Strontum, Helium to Helum, Lithium to Lithum, Potassium to Potassum, and Sodium to Sodum (etc. etc.) too? It's correctly called Aluminium for good reason...

Steve Jobs' Apple yacht freed after family settles the bill


Re: That yacht looks terrible - I bet the navigation systems are shit.

Easy - Windows has often better software that has a strict certification process - guidelines here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=e49820cb-954d-45ae-9cb3-1b9e8ea7fe8c

The LINUX TABLET IS THE FUTURE - and it always will be


Re: Windows 8 <> Apple Patents

Microsoft has a cross licensing agreement with Apple. And since when did Oracle have any relevant patents?


Re: "if the pc market disappears."

Most people buying non Windows Netbooks wiped the OS and installed pirated Microsoft OSs on them - they just wanted to not pay for windows (but still use it!)

Microsoft have made that a lot more difficult with Windows RT, Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 - all of which are so far uncracked in terms of the DRM used to control licensing....and as far as i am aware - Windows RT and Windows Phone 8 are totally uncracked - you cant even get admin acccess. Unlike other UNIX based rivals that have more holes than Swiss Cheese....


Re: tablet with keyboard and mouse

Its not really the same unless you can remove the keyboard / mouse from your laptop....
